Jerry and Margaret Yacyshen Family


Matches 1 to 13 of 13

 #  Source ID   Title, Author 
1 S2 Yacyshen: Cobblestone Research
2 S3 Lukey: Cobblestone Research
3 S9 Esther's "Pot of Gold" Photos
Jerry F. Yacyshen 
4 S4 Musey: Cobblestone Research
5 S5 Descendants of John Martyniuk
6 S8 Yacyshen: 1993 Family Reunion Videos
7 S12 Drone Video Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church & Cemetery, Norquay, Saskatchewan
Brendan Olenick 
8 S11 Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church & Cemetery, Norquay, Saskatchewan
9 S10 Hyas/Danbury & District History Book 1906-2006
A Book of Memoirs, Hyas & Danbury District 
10 S13 Life in Ukraine and the decision to move to Canada
Lawrence Huska 
11 S1 Printed by Derksen Printers, Steinbach, Manitoba
Senior Citizens of the Norquay N.I.C.E. Centre 
12 S6 The Huskas/Martyniuks of Norquay: A Family History and Genealogy
Lawrence Huska 
13 S7 The Lukey Family History Book is dedicated to our Grandparents Simon and Irene Lukey and our Great Grandparents Carl and Mary Lukey August 2011
Walter Lukey; Bob and Gert Lukey 

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