Jerry and Margaret Yacyshen Family



   Name   Location 
1.Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church and CemeterySaskatchewan, Canada


Matches 3551 to 3600 of 4458

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Christening    Person ID 
3551 Senyk, Maria   I4135
3552 Senyk, Panteleymon   I4136
3553 Serhan, C.   I920
3554 Serhan, D.   I919
3555 Serhan, Jacob   I3079
3556 Serhan, S.   I921
3557 Serna, A.   I273
3558 Serna, A.N.   I442
3559 Serna, C.J.   I440
3560 Serna, C.A.   I438
3561 Serna, I.K.   I511
3562 Serna, J.   I739
3563 Serna, K.M.   I510
3564 Serna, R.L.   I437
3565 Serna, R.A.   I439
3566 Serna, V.D.   I441
3567 Sernowski, B.J.   I447
3568 Sernowski, L.P.   I446
3569 Sernowski, L.M.   I445
3570 Sernowski, R.T.   I444
3571 Sernowski, R.W.   I443
3572 Sernowski, William (Bill)   I272
3573 Sernowski, Z.N.   I733
3574 Severson, Myrtle   I2073
3575 Shakhray, Anna   I4206
3576 Shakhray, Ivan   I4205
3577 Shalavin, George Danilovich   I3884
3578 Sharp, B.P.   I2534
3579 Shaw, N.   I2475
3580 Shearlaw, B.C.   I3235
3581 Shearlaw, G.C.   I3167
3582 Shearlaw, M.B.   I3163
3583 Sheehan, A.   I999
3584 Sherbaniuk, Z.   I2964
3585 Shevchuk, Yevdokia   I3905
3586 Shevchuk (Szewczuk), Maria   I1136
3587 Shewchuk, C.   I3672
3588 Shewchuk, J.   I2034
3589 Shewchuk, S.   I2212
3590 Shewchuk, Sonja Elaine   I1300
3591 Shewchuk, S.   I2211
3592 Shirstobeetoff, A.   I3751
3593 Shushko, Josyph   I1505
3594 Shushko, Katheryna   I1501
3595 Shuya, C.   I1791
3596 Shuya, C.   I1778
3597 Shuya, D.   I1782
3598 Shuya, D.   I1785
3599 Shuya, D.   I1776
3600 Shuya, John   I384

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Matches 3551 to 3600 of 4034

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
3551 Tanasiychuk, Mykhaylo   I1458
3552 Tanasiychuk, Sophia   I1463
3553 Tanasiychuk, Vasylyna   I1497
3554 Tanisachuk, Mary  17 Nov 2014 I1972
3555 Tanton, R.   I3575
3556 Tarnopolska, Ahaphia   I4358
3557 Tarnopolska, Daria   I4353
3558 Tarnopolska, Matrona   I4350
3559 Tarnopolska, Paraskeva   I4355
3560 Tarnopolska, Paraskeva  5 Nov 1864 I4362
3561 Tarnopolska, Seraphyma  21 May 1861 I4360
3562 Tarnopolskyy, Hnat  3 May 1858 I4359
3563 Tarnopolskyy, Ivan   I4354
3564 Tarnopolskyy, Kindrat   I4352
3565 Tarnopolskyy, Mykola  20 Feb 1837 I4356
3566 Tarnopolskyy, Oleska   I4361
3567 Tarnopolskyy, Pavlo   I4363
3568 Tarnopolskyy, Stephan   I4364
3569 Tataryn, J.   I1876
3570 Tatsiy, Anna   I4321
3571 Tatsiy, Hryhoriy   I4328
3572 Taylor, Florence   I2776
3573 Ternovetsky, Rob   I3456
3574 Teslak, E.   I3258
3575 Teslak, H.   I3268
3576 Teslak, John   I3256
3577 Teslak, J.   I3265
3578 Teslak, K.   I3260
3579 Teslak, M.   I3259
3580 Teslak, M.   I3264
3581 Teslak, N.   I3262
3582 Teslak, N.   I3266
3583 Teslak, P.   I3267
3584 Teslak, R.   I3261
3585 Teslak, S.   I3263
3586 Tetlock, H.   I1794
3587 Thompson, N.   I2508
3588 Thompson, S.   I639
3589 Tiefenbach, C.   I2607
3590 Tkachuk, M.   I1610
3591 Todoriv, Vasyl   I3960
3592 Todoriv, Yustyna   I3955
3593 Tomecko, Theodore "Ted"   I3822
3594 Tomlinson, S.   I2365
3595 Toms, G.   I2213
3596 Trache, Malancka (Millie)   I3213
3597 Trent, B.M.   I2553
3598 Trent, K.B.   I2554
3599 Trent, R.B.   I2555
3600 Trokhlinska, Maria   I4348

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Matches 3551 to 3600 of 4267

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
3551 Smachylo Kobel, Teklia (Tellie)   I1036
3552 Smee, D.   I3609
3553 Smirnoes, P.   I1793
3554 Smith, E.M.   I650
3555 Smith, L.L.   I649
3556 Smook, Mike   I3468
3557 Smutt, Olga   I240
3558 Snyder, D.   I720
3559 Snyder, D.   I722
3560 Sobolevska, Anna   I4150
3561 Sobolevska, Ivan   I4154
3562 Sokhor, Anastasia   I4386
3563 Sokhor, Ksenia   I4382
3564 Sokhor, Lev   I4379
3565 Sokhor, Maksym   I4384
3566 Sokhor, Maria   I4383
3567 Sokhor, Mykyta   I4385
3568 Sokhor, Phylyp   I4380
3569 Sokhor, Sylvestr   I4381
3570 Sokhor, Theodor   I4412
3571 Sokil, L.J.   I509
3572 Sokolovska, Anhela   I4179
3573 Sokolovska, Katheryna   I4027
3574 Sokolovskyy, Stanislav   I4180
3575 Sokolovskyy, Vladyslay   I4178
3576 Soloviy, Anna   I3916
3577 Soloviy, Hryhoriy   I3938
3578 Soloviy, Ivan   I3966
3579 Soloviy, Maria   I3935
3580 Soloviy, Maria   I3958
3581 Soloviy, Vasyl   I3956
3582 Soloviy ((Solowij), Maria   I1205
3583 Solovskyy, Anton   I4192
3584 Soltis, J.   I131
3585 Soltys, Mary   I1285
3586 Soltys, Michael   I1630
3587 Sopkow, D.R.A.   I1765
3588 Sorochuk, A.R.   I3255
3589 Sorochuk, A.D.   I501
3590 Sorochuk, D.L.   I424
3591 Sorochuk, K.G.   I500
3592 Sorochuk, L.A.   I425
3593 Sorochuk, N.G.   I427
3594 Sorochuk, V.A.   I499
3595 Sosnovska, Feliks   I4190
3596 Sosnovska, Sabina   I4173
3597 Spelay, D.   I636
3598 Spelay, M.S.   I637
3599 Spelay, Z.E.   I638
3600 St. Cyr, J.   I2965

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